Travelling recently got me thinking about how I store and care for my jewellery. I often chat with customers about the best way to care for their new pieces, and I always recommend storing in a clean, dry place, and protecting from things like chlorine, chemicals and humidity. This recent trip I was visiting family in Portugal, in really humid weather, and the pieces I'd taken with me ended up scattered on top of a dresser for a few days, and subject to the occasional smear of sunscreen (eek). I decided to revisit how I was doing things (mostly because I didn't want to have to polish everything when I got home!), and thought I'd share the top ten tips with you too..

Sterling silver jewellery won't usually tarnish (discolour) in a matter of hours, but its bright shine will diminish over time if you don't give it a bit of love. These are my top tips for caring for your jewellery:
Wear your jewels! Regular wear will often keep your pieces shiny, it's when something is sitting out in the air without wear that it can begin to tarnish
- Pop a little piece of chalk or an anti-tarnish tab in the drawer or box where you store your pieces to keep it all in tiptop shape. Or keep the silica pouches that come inside new shoes, and pop them in a corner of your jewellery box to absorb any moisture
Keep a cute ring dish or cone by the kitchen sink to remind you to take off your jewellery when doing the dishes or using household chemicals (my kitchen windowsill features handpoured concrete ring cones from local biz wind+willow - love them)
- If you have any of my jewellery, keep the complimentary polishing cloth to hand so you can give things a quick polish before you head out. These are Sunshine cloths - I recommend them! It's easier to do a little occasional polish rather than wait until you notice a bit of tarnish (be mindful of any intentionally oxidised areas on your piece and avoid polishing them!).
- Remember to ensure your jewellery is the last thing you put on, and the first thing you take off (to limit contact with lotions and potions)
Take sterling silver jewellery off when swimming, exercising, cleaning or doing anything like chopping firewood.. (you know who you are)
- If travelling, use a mini jewellery case or roll with separate compartments to protect your pieces and have a easy storage spot for once you arrive at your destination (I have this one). AND - take lots of jewellery, it takes up less space than clothes and can completely change the look of an outfit!
- When packing, put your jewellery case or jewellery roll in a sock for extra cushioning, and keep it with you in your hand luggage. We all know at least one person who had a suitcase go missing in the post-pandemic luggage blackhole, best keep it safely with you
- If your pieces get a bit grubby from skin oils or just general grime, give them a gentle clean with lukewarm water, dish soap and a (very) soft old toothbrush. Dry thoroughly afterwards, and be careful around stones and details (not all pieces will tolerate this - ask me if you're unsure!). Follow up with a quick shine with your polishing cloth
- For a DIY deep clean (for pieces without stones, or intentionally oxidised details), place jewellery on top of a piece of aluminium foil on the bottom of a small bowl and dissolve 2 tbsp table salt and 2 tbsp baking soda in enough hot water to cover the pieces. Soak for 2-3 mins then rinse in fresh water and buff dry with a microfibre cloth. Any tarnish should be gone! The same can be achieved with a traditional silver cleaning solution like Haggerty's silver dip, but it's nice to know you don't always need specialist cleaning products on hand.
Hope this helps! Any questions always feel free to reach out through my contact page or DM me on Instagram here. Or if you have jewellery care or storage tips to add to the list drop me a line 👋
Sarah x